Aliaksandr Halkouski

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 24 December 1990

Date of detention: 16 October 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus

Sentence: 1 1/2 years

Penalty: restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya")

Prison sentence start date: 16 October 2021

Date of release: 15 April 2023

Judge: Aleh Lahachou

Prosecutor: Alena Balotsina

Groups: Scientists

Aliaksandr Halkouski is a researcher, head of the Chernobyl sector of the Department of Ancient Belarusian Culture of the Center for Studies of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences.

Under the charges, Halkouski, “together with Bahdan Shymanovich and Andrei Khadkevich, with a criminal intent to commit a crime against the government, aimed at public insult and humiliation of the honor and dignity of A.R. Lukashenka, made a model of a man on February 27, 2021, to which he attached a sign reading "East - to The Hague". The man's model had external features similar to Lukashenka's. Then, continuing his criminal intent, he set up the model on the territory of the suburban area and using a gas burner, together with Shymanovich, who used the gas burner, and Khadkevich, who used a liquid to ignite it, set fire to the above model, destroying it, thereby committing a public insult to the President of the Republic of Belarus in connection with the exercise of his powers, and committed a crime under Part 1 of Art. 17 and Part 1 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code."

Neither Halkouski, nor Shymanovich, nor Khadkevich pleaded guilty.

Bahdan Shymanovich, Andrei Khadkevich and Aliaksandr Halkouski were found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code. Halkouski was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months of restricted freedom in an open penitentiary.

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