Aliaksandr Kazakevich

musician, sentenced to 2 years under home confinement

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 9 April 1992

Date of detention: 12 April 2022

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official

Sentence: 2 years

Penalty: restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya")

Judge: Volha Dubovik, Dzianis Bareika

Prosecutor: Yuliya Zhuk

Groups: Cultural workers

Aliaksandr Kazakevich is a musician from Maladziečna. He was detained on April 12, 2022, after his house was searched. He was charged under Article 369 of the Criminal Code (insulting a government official). The man was transferred to Žodzina prison.

On July 19, Judge Volha Dubavik sentenced Aliaksandr Kazakevich to 18 months of freedom restriction under home confinement. The defendant was also ordered to pay 2,000 rubles in favor of the victims.

Aliaksandr was released in the courtroom. He has spent three months in custody.

It is reported that on July 26, 2022, Aliaksandr was detained again. It became known that a criminal case for ‘insulting a government official’ was brought against him again—he had allegedly insulted another official last year. He was placed in pre-trial detention center.

On September 26, 2022, the Maladziečna City and District court passed the second verdict on the political prisoner. Judge Dzianis Bareika found him guilty under of ‘insulting a government official’ (Article 369 of the Criminal Code) and sentenced him to two years of freedom restriction under home confinement.

Political prisoner convicted in a criminal case for three ‘political’ comments

The Maladziečna Municipal and Regional Court sentenced political prisoner Aliaksandr Kazakevich to 18 months of freedom restriction under home confinement. Judge Volha Dubovik found him guilty under Article. 369 of the Criminal Code (insulting a government official). During the court hearings, the political prisoner's defender asked only to arrest him, while prosecutor Yuliya Zhuk, who represented the state prosecution, asked to sentence Kazakevich to 24 months under home confinement.


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