Anastasiya Nikitsina

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 16 December 1980

Date of detention: 27 December 2020

Charges indicted:

  • Part 2 of Art. 339 of the Criminal Code — Hooliganism committed by a group of persons

Sentence: 13 months

Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony

Date of release: 27 November 2021

Judge: Yuliya Blizniuk

Prosecutor: Alina Kasiyanchyk

Notes: Foreign citizens, Health issues

Cases: Protests in Minsk

Anastasiya Nikitsina is a resident of Minsk convicted of scattering screws near the Minsk city prosecutor's office.

According to the investigation, she and Sviatlana Labunskaya grossly violated public order by scattering about 45 metal screws on December 13, 2020.

Two tires of a car driven by the victim Klintsevich were punctured as a result. The material damage amounted to 36 rubles 18 kopecks.

On December 27, the women intended to repeat their actions, but were detained.

In court, Nikitsina said that she was forced to lie on the ground during detention. She was handcuffed and then beaten in a police bus. She was deprived of meals, although she has diabetes. After the sugar level dropped, the police officers refused to call an ambulance.

The two women said that they scattered the screws because they saw buses with men in black leaving the building on Sundays, who then brutally detained people.

The defendants were charged under Part 2 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code (malicious hooliganism), as well as Part 1 of Art. 14 of the Criminal Code (attempt to commit a crime).

On March 3, 2021, the Frunzienski District Court of Minsk sentenced Anastasiya Nikitsina to 1 year and 1 month in a general-security penal colony.

The convict has two minor children.

In late November 2021, Nikitsina was released from a women's colony in Homieĺ after serving her sentence. After her release, the woman was deported to the Russian Federation.

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