Ihar Lednik

political activist, sentenced to three years of imprisonment

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 12 December 1960

Date of detention: 18 April 2022

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 367 of the Criminal Code — Slander against the President of the Republic of Belarus

Sentence: 3 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony

Judge: Tatsiana Shotsik

Died in prison

Groups: Activists

Notes: Health issues, Retirement age

Godparent: Vincent Éblé , Member of the French Senate

Ihar Lednik is a member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party. He was detained on April 18, 2022.

At first, he was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest, but he was not released after that. A criminal case under Part 2 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code (slander against the President of the Republic of Belarus) was brought against Ihar.

Ihar Lednik has a group 2 disability due to heart problems.

In June 2022 the lawyer reported that the political prisoner's health condition worsened. In July, it became known that the activist underwent gastrointestinal surgery.

On July 18, 2022, the Barysau District Court recognized the information on Lednik's Facebook page as ‘extremist materials’.

On September 2, 2022, a trial commenced in the Lieninski District Court of Minsk. The political prisoner is being tried for his publication “Internationally recognized neutrality of Belarus is a guarantee of security in the OSCE region”. According to the prosecutor's office, the text contained “deliberately false, defamatory and degrading information about Lukashenka's honor and dignity, coupled with an accusation of him of especially grave crimes, including against the security of humanity.” On 6 September, the verdict was pronounced—the veteran of the party movement was found guilty of ‘slandering Lukashenka’ and sentenced to three years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

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