Yauhen Rubashka

anarchist, sentenced to 5 years in prison


Date of birth: 9 July 1989

Date of detention: 29 July 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it

Sentence: 5 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a high security prison

Judge: Alena Misnik, Anton Dudal

Prosecutor: Aliaksandr Ramanovich

Prison: Pre-trial detention center No. 8

Groups: Activists

Notes: Prison security level

Cases: Protests in Minsk

Yauhen Rubashka is an anarchist detained on July 29, 2021 in Minsk. His apartment was searched and he was beaten during the arrest. The police officers put a plastic bag on Yauhen's head to force him give access to his phone and computer.

Rubashka was eventually transferred to the pre-trial detention center and charged under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code ('Group actions grossly violating public order').

All books were taken from him and he was put on a preventive record as prone to extremism, which means a special note in his personal file, special treatment, and additional work with a psychologist.

On April 22, 2022 in the Minsk Regional Court, Judge Alena Misnik found the anarchists and political prisoners guilty under Part 1 of Article 342 ('Group actions grossly violating public order') and Part 3 of Article 361-1 ('Participation in extremist formation') of the Criminal Code, and pronounced the following sentences: Yauhen RubashkaAliaksandr Bialou, and Artsiom Salavei, born in 1996, were sentenced to five years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony, and Artsiom Salavei, born in 1995, was sentenced to four and a half years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

In late July 2022, it became known that Yauhen Rubashka was transferred to penal colony #2 in Babrujsk, Mahilioŭ region. In August, he wrote in a letter that he had been deprived of a long visit by relatives.

In August 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs included the political prisoner in the 'List of citizens involved in extremist activities'.

In February 2023, Rubashka was placed in a tighter security cell for a month. Prior to that, he had been placed in a punishment cell three times for 10, 7, and another 7 days for far-fetched violations of the internal regulations.

On April 19, 2023, in Babrujsk, Judge Anton Dudal ruled to change the punishment level for the political prisoner to the prison regime.

In early May 2023, it became known that Yauhen Rubashka was transferred to remand prison #8 in Žodzina, Minsk region.

Criminal case against four anarchists to be considered in private

On March 29, court hearings in the criminal case against anarchists and political prisoners Aliaksandr Bialou, Yauhen Rubashka, Artsiom Salavei, and Artsiom Salavei started in Minsk Regional Court. The case is being considered by Judge Alena Misnik.

Anarchist political prisoners sentenced in Minsk

On April 22, 2022 the Minsk Regional Court sentenced the anarchists and political prisoners Aliaksandr Bialou, Yauhen Rubashka, and Artsiom Salavei, born in 1996, and Artsiom Salavei, born in 1995.


Mail address: Pre-trial detention center No. 8. 222163, Žodzina, vulica Savieckaja 22A

Addresses of prisons:

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