Pavel Yukhnevich

sentenced to 4 years


Date of birth: 12 February 1981

Date of detention: 19 March 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus

Sentence: 4 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony

Judge: Valiantsina Ziankevich

Prison: Penal colony No. 15

Cases: Chat case "Atolino", Volunteers of Babaryka’s campaign

Pavel Yukhnevich was detained on March 19, 2021, by traffic police on the highway near Minsk. The police found in his car "protest leaflets, newspapers", etc. According to the Investigative Committee, "thousands of copies of protest newspapers, stickers with unregistered symbols and leaflets were confiscated from Yukhnevich."

At the time of his detention, the man worked for a private advertising company, was a former video engineer on television, was a member of Viktor Babariko’s campaign in 2020. He had repeatedly participated in the so-called Sunday rallies in Minsk. He was named the administrator of the Telegram channel "Atolina" immediately after his detention.

Pavel was accused of making and distributing "protest leaflets, stickers, newspapers", as well as participating in Sunday Marches in August–September 2020 and charged under two articles of the Criminal Code: Art. 342 (Organization of actions grossly violating public order), Part 3 of Art. 361 (Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus). 

He was sentenced to four years in general-security penal colony.

Mail address: Penal colony No. 15. 213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183

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