Piotr Hretski

Former prisoner

Date of birth: 23 November 1996

Date of detention: 12 June 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 364 of the Criminal Code — Violence or threat of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies

Sentence: 3 years

Penalty: restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya")

Date of release: 20 August 2024

Judge: Dzmitry Kedal

Prosecutor: S. Piatrashka

Cases: Protests in Hrodna

Piotr Hretski is a defendant in a criminal case started for participation in a peaceful protest on 6 September 2020 in Hrodna.

He was charged under Article 342 of the Criminal Code (Group actions that grossly violate public order) and under Article 364 of the Criminal Code (Violence against police).

Piotr, as well as two other defendants in the case (Illia Palanyankin and Yan Dailida) were found guilty of "active group actions" at the protest action. Namely, that they "clenched arms (forming a line), actively urged other citizens to participate in an unsanctioned mass event and threw an unidentified object in the direction of the Interior Ministry. Yan Dailida did not plead guilty.

On March 9 the sentence was passed: three years of restricted freedom in an open-type correctional facility. The prosecutor appealed the verdict, considering it too mild, but Hrodna Regional Court upheld it.

Since June 12, Piotr Hretski has been serving his sentence in open-type correctional facility №48.

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