Aliaksandr Zahdai

student, sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment


Date of birth: 26 August 1999

Date of detention: 6 June 2022

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities

Sentence: 2 1/2 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a general-security penal colony

Judge: Valiantsina Kunitskaya

Prison: Penal colony No. 1

Groups: Students

Notes: War in Ukraine

Godparent: Signe Munk, Member of Dutch Parliament

Aliaksandr Zahdai is a student of the Belarusian State Aviation Academy. He was detained for “systematically providing information to the Nexta Telegram channel”.

Aliaksandr was placed in pre-trial detention pending trial.

On July 19, 2022, the trial commenced. On July 22, 2022, Judge Valiantsina Kunitskaya of the Brest Regional Court found the political prisoner guilty and sentenced him to 2.5 years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

Mail address: Penal colony No. 1. 211440, Navapolack, vulica Techničnaya 8

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