Ruslan Slutskі

sentenced to 11 years


Date of birth: 2 March 1983

Date of detention: 20 January 2021

Charges indicted:

  • Art. 309 of the Criminal Code — Intentional disrepair of a vehicle or communication lines
  • Art. 289 of the Criminal Code — An act of terrorism

Sentence: 11 years

Penalty: imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony

Judge: Andrei Dzerhachou

Prosecutor: Tatsiana Shabeka

Prison: Penal colony No. 15

Notes: Health issues

On the list of “terrorists” (Money transfers are prohibited)

Ruslan Slutskі is a resident of Polack.

He is sentenced to 11 years of restricted freedom under Part 1 of Art. 14, part 1 of Art. 309 of the Criminal Code for attempting to render unusable railway tracks by trying to connect the rails with a metal wire, which could lead to delays in train traffic, as well as under Part 1 of Art. 289 of the Criminal Code for “an act of terrorism” consisted of throwing homemade metal spikes on the highway in front of cars participating in the pro-government rally, which damaged the tires of four cars.

Mail address: Penal colony No. 15. 213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183

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