List of political prisoners and persons convicted in political criminal cases

Found: 44 (csv)
Name and surname Status Date of birth Gender Date of detention Charges indicted Date of verdict Sentence Penalty Judge Prosecutor Prison
Astapchyk Uladzimir Prisoner 1992-05-21 Male 2022-07-21
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Vera Halaukova Penal colony No. 15
213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
Bedryi Viktar Prisoner 1979-06-24 Male 2022-03-25
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
3 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Ruslan Tsaruk Yuliya Kanapelkina Penal colony No. 22
225295, Brest region, Ivacevičy, station Damanava, PO Box 20
Butskavets Uladzimir Prisoner 1991-04-15 Male 2022-09-05
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
3 years restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya") Ruslan Tsaruk Open correctional facility No. 39
222002, Krupki district, Krupki-2
Chaika Viktar Former prisoner 1982-01-26 Male 2024-05-24
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
unknown restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Yuliya Krepskaya released
Ferenets Mikhail Former prisoner 1988-11-09 Male 2020-09-16
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 341 of the Criminal Code — Desecration of structures and damage to property
3 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Anzhela Kastsiukevich Mikhail Manuilau released
Filipchyk Andrei Former prisoner 1990-07-17 Male 2023-02-01
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 1/2 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") released
Hutsin Dzianis Former prisoner 1990-05-01 Male 2020-09-22
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Zhanna Khvainitskaya released
Karatkevich Artsiom Prisoner 1996-12-26 Male 2023-06-09
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Sviatlana Charapanava Penal colony No. 22
225295, Brest region, Ivacevičy, station Damanava, PO Box 20
Klimau Yauhen Prisoner 1996-10-21 Male 2021-12-30
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
5 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Ruslan Tsaruk Yuliya Kanapelkina Penal colony No. 1
211440, Navapolack, vulica Techničnaya 8
Korshun Siarhei Former prisoner 1978-03-21 Male 2020-07-21
  • Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code — Participation in riots
4 1/2 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Siarhei Yepikhau released
Korshun Lidziya Former prisoner 1994-07-01 Female 2021-03-27
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
3 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Ivan Hrynkevich released
Kulsha Viktoryia Prisoner 1982-02-26 Female 2020-11-04
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 411 — Malicious disobedience to the demands of administration of the correctional institution
4 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Zhanna Khvainitskaya, Siarhei Maltsau, Stanislau Ivaniutsenka Aliaksandr Karol Pre-trial detention center No. 3
246003, Homieĺ, vulica Knižnaja 1A
Kurylina Tatsiana Prisoner 1973-06-05 Female 2022-08-22
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
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4 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Mikalai Dolia Penal colony No. 4
246035, Homieĺ, vulica Antoshkina 3
Kuzmitski Stanislau Prisoner 1986-12-15 Male 2021-12-23
  • Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code — Organization of riots
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
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15 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Yauhen Khatkevich Penal colony No. 1
211440, Navapolack, vulica Techničnaya 8
Lebedzeu Herman Prisoner 2005-08-07 Male 2023-09-05
  • Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
unknown Alena Shylko Pre-trial detention center No. 1
223016, Navadvorski selsavet, 143/4, v. Pashkovichy, Minsk rajon, Minsk voblast
Lebiadok Yahor Prisoner 1982-04-17 Male 2022-07-13
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
5 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Alena Misnik Penal colony No. 22
225295, Brest region, Ivacevičy, station Damanava, PO Box 20
Losik Ihar Prisoner 1992-05-20 Male 2020-06-25
  • Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code — Organization of riots
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
15 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Mikalai Dolia Dzianis Mikushau Penal colony No. 1
211440, Navapolack, vulica Techničnaya 8
Martsinovich Uladzislau Former prisoner 2000-05-23 Male 2020-11-19
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Alena Ananich Aliaksandr Ramanovich released
Matsulevich Anatol Prisoner 1969-10-16 Male 2021-06-11
  • Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal code — Training or other preparation of persons for participation in mass riots, or financing of this activity
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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7 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Yauhen Burunou Penal colony No. 15
213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
Padniabenny Andrei Prisoner 1988-12-13 Male 2021-11-05
  • Art. 218 of the Criminal Code — Intentional destruction or damage to property committed in a generally dangerous manner or causing damage on a large scale
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
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16 years and 8 month imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Anatol Sotnikau, Ruslan Tsaruk Penal colony No. 15
213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
Palchys Eduard Prisoner 1990-10-28 Male 2020-09-27
  • Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code — Organization of riots
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
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13 years imprisonment in a high security prison Piotr Arlou Prison No. 4
212011, Mahilioŭ, vulica Krupskaj 99A
Pazniak Andrei Former prisoner 0000-11-16 Male 2020-08-11
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
3 years restricted freedom in an open penal facility ("khimiya") Alena Zhyvitsa released
Pinchuk Yana Prisoner 1997-06-28 Female 2021-11-01
  • Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal code — Training or other preparation of persons for participation in mass riots, or financing of this activity
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
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12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Tatsiana Falkouskaya, Liubou Simakhina Penal colony No. 4
246035, Homieĺ, vulica Antoshkina 3
Sakalou Pavel Prisoner 1985-08-26 Male 2021-09-20
  • Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal code — Training or other preparation of persons for participation in mass riots, or financing of this activity
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
4 1/2 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Yauhen Burunou Penal colony No. 22
225295, Brest region, Ivacevičy, station Damanava, PO Box 20
Salmanovich Dzianis Prisoner 1991-06-06 Male 2021-10-04
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
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10 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Andrei Leshchanka Katsiaryna Pakala Penal colony No. 3
211322, Viciebsk region, Vićba
Sapega Sofia Former prisoner 1998-02-10 Female 2021-05-23
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
  • Art. 179 of the Criminal Code — Illegal collection and dissemination of information about private life
6 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Viktar Sianko Natallia Sakalova released
Savashevich Viktar Prisoner 1982-05-15 Male 2021-09-08
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
11 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Siarhei Khrypach Penal colony No. 2
213800, Babrujsk, vulica Sikorskaha 1
Selvestruk Dzmitryi Prisoner 1990-02-19 Male 2023-05-10
  • Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities
unknown Sviatlana Charapanava
Shauchenka Dzmitryi Former prisoner 1975-07-05 Male 2023-04-04
  • Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
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1 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Vadzim Bobyrau released
Shchasnaya Iryna Former prisoner 1987-06-29 Female 2020-11-18
  • Part 1 of Article 13 and Article 293 of the Criminal Code — Preparation for mass riots
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Iryna Lanchava released
Shkrobat Tatsiana Female
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
3 years restricted freedom under home confinement ("domashnyaya khimiya") Zhanna Khvainitskaya
Sinkevich Dzmitry Former prisoner 1998-11-13 Male 2020-10-30
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Maksim Trusevich released
Slepianok Mikita Prisoner 2000-08-28 Male 2022-04-06
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
3 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Vasil Biahun Penal colony No. 15
213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
Sobaleu Maksim 1996-12-20 Male
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
unknown Aliaksandr Abashyn
Stralchen Yauhen Prisoner 1985-11-18 Male 2022-08-11
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 367 of the Criminal Code — Slander against the President of the Republic of Belarus
unknown imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Vital Labotski Penal colony No. 15
213105, Mahilioŭ, Viejna, Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
Stryzak Dzmitryj Male
  • Part 4 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code — Fraud committed by an organized group or on a large scale
  • Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
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2 years imprisonment in a juvenile penal colony Released awaiting the commencement of the sentence
Stsiapanau Dzmitryi Prisoner 1984-09-27 Male 2022-11-02
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
4 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Andrei Leshchanka Penal colony No. 17
213004, Škloŭ, vulica 1-ja Zavodskaja 8
Sumar Aliaksandr Prisoner 1982-03-07 Male 2022-07-27
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
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9 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Vera Filonik Aliaksandr Bohush Penal colony No. 3
211322, Viciebsk region, Vićba
Verkhavodkin Yauhen Prisoner 1988-11-29 Male 2022-12-22
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code — Creation of an extremist formation, or participation in it
7 years imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Anzhela Kastsiukevich
Vishniak Hanna Former prisoner 1992-09-16 Female 2020-10-28
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
2 1/2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Zhanna Khvainitskaya Aliaksandr Karol released
Yarashevich Siarhei Prisoner 1982-06-16 Male 2020-10-02
  • Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code — Participation in riots
  • Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal code — Training or other preparation of persons for participation in mass riots, or financing of this activity
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6 years and 3 month imprisonment in a medium-security penal colony Siarhei Yepikhau, Mikalai Siarheika Сергейко Николай Сяргейка Мікалай Penal colony No. 20
247755, Homieĺ region, Mazyr district, Michalkoŭski sieĺsaviet, 70
Yeliseyeu Arsenii Male
  • Art. 203-1 of the Criminal Code — Illegal actions with respect to information about private life and personal data
unknown Volha Tserakhava Pre-trial detention center No. 3
246003, Homieĺ, vulica Knižnaja 1A
Yuryeu Hleb Former prisoner 1991-06-22 Male 2022-12-08
  • Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
  • Art. 361 of the Criminal Code — Calls for actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus
2 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Yuliya Inchyna released
Zaniamonskaya Valeryia 2000-11-24 Female
  • Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
  • Art. 203-1 of the Criminal Code — Illegal actions with respect to information about private life and personal data
12 years imprisonment in a general-security penal colony Natallia Buhuk Natallia Sakalova
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